Sunday, September 15, 2013

Transfer Call...

Hello everyone!
Wow, what a week! So much has happened that I almost can't think straight!

 Monday we got a call from the APs that Sister Canimo would be going to Talisay and I would be staying in Alijis to train. It was crazy...for the little time that I've been here myself, and with how much I'm still learning each day, I felt at such peace.

 Tuesday we went to Galo so I could meet with my temporary companion while we waited for our trainees. I was with Sister Madrid. She is Filipino and just so so sweet. She's going to be an excellent trainer. I could just tell from the two days I was with her. One day it rained SO hard that we couldn't hear each other in our lesson with the Potato family. So instead we just sang Hymns while waiting for the rain to settle down. :) It brought the Spirit so much..probably even more than if we had taught a normal lesson.  

Thursday we went to the Galo chapel to have our trainer's training and then we met our new companions! My companions name is Sister Michelle Russon from Lehi, Utah. She is very sweet and such a hard worker! I can tell she's going to be an excellent missionary--she already is! She remembers all the people's names and places already and picks up Hiligaynon so quickly. She could basically be training herself! It was fun because her first lesson was with Angie. They actually ended up speaking in English to us since now it's two Americans. haha Imagine that...Filipinos speaking English to two Americans and the Americans responding back in Hiligaynon. Pretty great. :) haha Anyway, we also had a lesson this week with Nika Jane Gokong. She really opened up to us and pretty much told us her whole life story. She's gone through some pretty rough times and intense things in her life. We listened for a long time and then shared with her the story about Alma the Younger and his change of heart. She's an amazing woman and I know the Gospel can bless her life so much to find happiness and peace and live free of guilt. 

Sunday was great because Angie Lobaton received the gift of the Holy Ghost! We didn't get to actually witness it because right before she was to be blessed, Pawi had to go to the bathroom, so I ended up chasing Angie down to tell her to go up to the stand and that I'd take Pawi to the bathroom. haha but all is well! She received the gift of the Holy Ghost and told me that she felt such peace when they laid their hands upon her head. :) 
I hope this week is a good one, and as they're starting to say here in the Philippines, Merry Christmas!! 
Sister Dixon
PS The Filipinos so far have asked Sister Russon if she is from Russia. :) 

Lunch time-- before meeting new companions

The batch of missionaries Sister Dixon knew in the MTC

Sister Russon and Sister Dixon

New companionships


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